Born on Maui, Hawaii to an artist mother and a surfer father, Reif spent his first two years as an American before moving half way across the world to Perth Western Australia. Growing up by the beach and spending days after school painting at his mum Jos’ studio Reif developed a passion for art and surfing early on. At age 15 he launched his mens board shorts label Ocean Zone which he still runs to this day. Reif had his first exhibtion in 2011 before spending 5 years at University studying business and finance whilst painting on the side as a means to get by. After graduating he then returned his focus back on his art and boardshorts. Reif has developed his own style of modern art by combining bright colours and humour through his signature icons. His artwork is heavily influenced by beach culture including some of his signature favourites beach umbrellas, thongs, seagulls, beer, tequila and wine to name a few... He draws inspiration from the styles of his favourite artists Peter Webb, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Reg Mombassa and his mother Jos Myers who taught him how to paint from a young age.